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Our Arcadia classes begin on 14 January 2025

Photography classes for children + teens

We're on a mission to light a creative spark in all of our students!  Our classes are the perfect way to learn and develop essential photography skills in a fun, individual and practical way. 


This term begins from January 2025​ at either Arcadia School or DBSJP.


Choose the best option that suits you from...


DBS JP students

Join our DBSJP primary students Photo Club class, running from 2.40pm - 3.30pm on Thursday afternoons.


Arcadia School students

Join our Arcadia School after school photography club on Tuesdays from 4pm- 5pm at Arcadia Secondary School.


All students

Register your interest via the link below for a future 'open to all students' class OR future holiday camps!


more about

the photo club

We are Natalie Robinson and Lianne Dawes, photographers, educators and mamas to Ruby, Max, Isla and Ede.  

We launched The Photo Club waaaaay back in 2017 when our focus â€‹was on workshops for parents with cameras.  Specialising in teaching beginner photography to parents, we ran workshops on mobile phone photography, Adobe Lightroom for editing, advanced creative workshops, family photography workshops and ran frequent photowalks.

In 2020 we began working alongside Gulf Photo Plus, one of the region's largest photography training companies.  Now in 2023, we shift focus within the education sphere by focussing on photography after school clubs, holiday camps and workshops.

This is our second business together; we run our children's commercial photography company, 'Wild Child' and independently have been freelance family and children's photographers since 2011.

We would love to connect with you - please explore our site and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

natalie + lianne 

oh, hey there!

what a photo club class looks like

An introduction to the week's topic.
A little bit of theory and critique. 
What do we know already?
What do we like about different artists?What do we want to include in our own photos?  What would we love to capture?

A whole lot of practice!
Learning different aspects of your cameras in line with the weekly topic and theme. Hands on experience and guidance from Natalie and Lianne to push your creative spirit.  Learning the ropes with all kinds of cameras!

Printing our images and time spent reviewing what 'works' in your images and what you could try differently next time.
Selecting images that go into your final photography portfolio and into our end of term photography show!




the benefits of learning photography


Photography boosts creativity and your child's creative spirit!  It is a way to be creative without needing to be 'good' at the more classic art subjects like drawing and painting.  We help children nurture their creativity in a new way!


Photography is all about light and shadow, composition and perspective, colour and texture.  It's about your child seeing something and capturing it with their own unique perspective according to their own preferences. 


There is no 'right' or 'wrong' with photography...isn't that a curious thing! The skill of 'seeing' something and then being able to turn that into something physical is so unique. 


Photography helps to develop your child's curious side...'what if I capture it like this?', 'what happens if I do does that affect the outcome that I see?  'How does everyone else 'see' the same thing that I 'see'?'


We all know the benefits of being more mindful.  Within the fast paced, non-stop world that our children live in...isn't it time we encouraged them to slow down?


Photography is one way of doing this and through our programme we encourage children to 'see'.  Change angles, try a different perspective, consider their camera settings, look at the light and so on.  There are an infinite number of ways for one thing to be photographed and we are here to help your child explore them.


And finally, the wonderful aspect of connecting. 


Photography helps your children to connect to their own creative minds, their technical and analytical side and to photography as an art form.  To have an appreciation for a different form of art and to connect with their peers in a safe space where all views and perspectives are welcomed!


It's a great way to meet new friends as through our course we will be working on small photography projects together.  

I have a question!

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